Pastor Chris Brademeyer’s Podcast

This podcast consists of the sermons and thoughts of Pastor Chris Brademeyer, a Lutheran Pastor (LCMS) from North Dakota.

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Behold the Lamb!

Monday Dec 23, 2024

Monday Dec 23, 2024

Jesus is the Lamb of God and we say this often in church. Do we stop and ask why we do this or what it means? How should we understand what significance it has for John the Baptist to call Jesus the Lamb of God? What does being the Lamb have to do with taking away the sins of the world? And why does all of this come up on the last Sunday before Christmas? Find out in this sermon from St. John's Lutheran Church of Oakes, ND!

What's in a Name?

Monday Dec 23, 2024

Monday Dec 23, 2024

Names are important things. This is easily seen when people get upset when their names are gotten wrong. Why does God tell us in our readings this evening that His Son should be called Jesus and Immanuel? What significance do these names have? Find out in this sermon for the third Wednesday of Advent (12/18/2024) from St. John's Lutheran Church of Oakes, ND!

The Confusion of the Baptist

Monday Dec 23, 2024

Monday Dec 23, 2024

John proclaimed Jesus to be the Messiah, the Lamb of God who came to take away the sin of the world. But here in Matthew 11, John sends his disciples to ask if Jesus is really the one, or if there is another. It seems strange that John would be confused, given his being a prophet. But he was confused. Worse, this confusion did not end with him. Jesus does not do what we often expect and established His Kingdom in ways that surprise. Why did Jesus come? What is confusing John? Find out in this sermon from St. John's Lutheran Church of Oakes, ND!

The Funeral of Donnel Hankel

Monday Dec 23, 2024

Monday Dec 23, 2024

The following sermon was preached for the funeral of Donnel Hankel on December 12, 2024. His obituary can be found at

Who is John the Baptist?

Monday Dec 23, 2024

Monday Dec 23, 2024

John is called many things: the Baptist, the Forerunner, Elijah, and he who makes straight the way of the Lord. We hear about him every year during Advent. But who is this John, exactly? Why did God send him into the wilderness to preach repentance? And what does all of this have to do with Jesus? Find out in this sermon for the 2nd Wednesday of Advent (Dec. 11, 2024) from St. John's Lutheran Church of Oakes, ND!

Thursday Dec 12, 2024

On today's episode of "3 Padres and a Shepherd," we are looking at the subject of Baptism. What is baptism - and who does the work in baptism? Is it an act of mankind's obedience toward God or is it God's work upon mankind? Is it a symbolic display of a person's faith, or is it a powerful work of God that 'does stuff' to mankind? Stick around for this episode as we cover the topic of "Baptism - A Work Toward God or God's Work for you?"

Can You Read the Signs?

Tuesday Dec 10, 2024

Tuesday Dec 10, 2024

Reading  the signs is an interesting thing. Jesus invites us to read the signs of the coming of the Kingdom and His return in glory. In His telling, the signs of the Kingdom are as obvious and plain as knowing that a budding tree means that Spring is on its way. Why does He make this comparison? What are these signs? How should I understand them? What do they mean? Why should we care? And what should we do in the meantime? Find out in this sermon from St. John's Lutheran Church of Oakes, ND!

Prepratory Suffering

Tuesday Dec 10, 2024

Tuesday Dec 10, 2024

Why do we remember various people on the liturgical calendar? The readings for this Wednesday service in Advent invite us to reflect on John the Baptist and also illustrate for us the reasons why it is good to remember faith men and women in the faith. What does John teach us about following Jesus? Why should we pay attention to his example? Find out in this sermon from St. John's Lutheran Church of Oakes, ND!

Friday Dec 06, 2024

In today's episode, we cover the topic of "Sectarianism and Modern Day Monasteries." Even though this sounds like a difficult and complex topic, it is very simple and applicable to the church and Christians today. Are we in the world? Are we of the world? Are we for the world? Check out this episode to learn more... and enjoy some laughs.

What Kind of King is Jesus?

Monday Dec 02, 2024

Monday Dec 02, 2024

Politics and Christianity have been a hot topic as of late. No doubt, this is because of the recent elections. Regardless of the origin, it is good for us to think about how Christians should behave as citizens of our nation. What role does politics have in the Christian's life? What should we be trying to accomplish in politics? Does Jesus have anything to do with political matters? Does God rule over the state or just the Christian Church? Find out in this sermon from St. John's Lutheran Church of Oakes, ND!


You need Jesus. Let us help.

Things aren't easy. There is a lot of suffering and pain in the world. It covers a lot of things. And, at the end, there's death waiting for us. We can wander though this world, lurching from empty pursuit to vain pleasure and back again. Or we can leave the rat race of human existence by looking to the One who has actually done just that: Jesus Christ. Unlike us, His work stands forever. What we make passes away; what He makes endures unto eternity.
And what did He do? He grants life, mercy, and salvation for you at the cost of His own life and ensures them by His own character. For you.
This podcast gives weekly sermons and messages from Pastor Chris Brademeyer of St. John's Lutheran Church of Oakes, ND. We promise nothing more or less than eternal life, forgiveness, and mercy in the living Lord, Jesus Christ.

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