Pastor Chris Brademeyer’s Podcast

This podcast consists of the sermons and thoughts of Pastor Chris Brademeyer, a Lutheran Pastor (LCMS) from North Dakota.

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The Visitation

Wednesday Jul 03, 2024

Wednesday Jul 03, 2024

Mary goes to see Elizabeth, John leaps in the womb of his mother, and Elizabeth is moved to proclaim the truth of the Messiah. Find out more about this blessed event in this sermon from St. John's Lutheran Church of Oakes, ND!

The Remnant

Tuesday Jul 02, 2024

Tuesday Jul 02, 2024

Things don't look good. Society is a mess. Politics are a mess. The Church is a mess. Besides this, many of our friends and even family members have left the the faith behind. But these things are not new. Elijah once complained about being the only faithful man left in all of Israel. What does God say about Elijah's - and our - complaint about being the only ones left? What will he do about it? And who is the remnant that keeps being brought up? Find out in this sermon from St. John's Lutheran Church of Oakes, ND!

Tuesday Jun 25, 2024

A sermon preached for the Nativity of St. John the Baptist.

Monday Jun 24, 2024

Forgiveness is a simple enough concept, but it stands as a very difficult thing to do. Why is it so hard to forgive? Why should we do it anyways? What's the big deal with holding on to grudges and slights? Find out in this week's sermon from St. John's Lutheran Church of Oakes, ND!

Who is Like God?

Tuesday Jun 18, 2024

Tuesday Jun 18, 2024

We Christians take it for granted that God is merciful, forgiving, and full of steadfast love. Is this how other people see God? Why do we confess that God is merciful? Find out in this sermon from St. John's Lutheran Church of Oakes, ND!

Thursday Jun 13, 2024

On today's episode of "Three Padres & a Shepherd," we ask the question of what evangelism is and what it is not.  Is evangelism standing on the corner of a street while yelling into a microphone; is evangelism traveling to Africa on a mission trip to dig a well; is evangelism following a scripted program that is presented to a neighbor as if you are trying to sell them a new set of Teflon cooking bowls; is evangelism canceling church and then having a congregation go out and rake leaves in a particular town?  And what about the Great Commission from Matthew 28; where does that come into play?  Stick around, and we will answer these questions and a lot more on today's episode, titled "Messing Up Evangelism? Taking a Closer Look at the Great Commission & Great Commandment"

What Makes Us Wise?

Sunday Jun 09, 2024

Sunday Jun 09, 2024

Wisdom seems in short supply these days. Basic truths are challenged regularly. Common sense isn't very common. And, worst of all, fools and their foolish ideas seem to be celebrated at every turn. What is true wisdom? Where does it come from? And why does it seem like it is in such short supply? Find out in this sermon from St. John's Lutheran Church of Oakes, ND!

Monday Jun 03, 2024

Righteousness is a simple enough thing. To be fit for God's Kingdom, we need to be holy, to be righteous. But how do we become righteous? Can I do it? Does God do it for me? If He does it, how do receive this righteousness? Find out in this sermon from St. John's Lutheran Church of Oakes, ND!

Rightly Confessing God

Tuesday May 28, 2024

Tuesday May 28, 2024

The Holy Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This is the most profound and deepest mystery revealed to us by Jesus Christ. That is to say, this word refers to the biblical truth that our one God is three Persons and that we are neither to collapse the three together nor divide them apart. Why does this matter? What does confessing the Trinity have to do with worship of God? How does knowledge of God work with faith and salvation? Find out in this week's sermon from St. John's Lutheran Church of Oakes, ND.
For a written version of this sermon go to

The Funeral of John Stefanowicz

Wednesday May 22, 2024

Wednesday May 22, 2024

This sermon was preached for the funeral of John Stefanowicz, a dear Christian husband, father, stepfather, and man.
John's obituary can be found at
Title: A Sermon for the Funeral of John Stefanowicz
Date: May 21, 2024
Text: Ezekiel 34:11-16
Lector: Rev. Paul Preus of Zion Lutheran Church of Ellendale, ND
Preacher: Rev. Christopher W. Brademeyer of St. John's Lutheran Church of Oakes, ND


You need Jesus. Let us help.

Things aren't easy. There is a lot of suffering and pain in the world. It covers a lot of things. And, at the end, there's death waiting for us. We can wander though this world, lurching from empty pursuit to vain pleasure and back again. Or we can leave the rat race of human existence by looking to the One who has actually done just that: Jesus Christ. Unlike us, His work stands forever. What we make passes away; what He makes endures unto eternity.
And what did He do? He grants life, mercy, and salvation for you at the cost of His own life and ensures them by His own character. For you.
This podcast gives weekly sermons and messages from Pastor Chris Brademeyer of St. John's Lutheran Church of Oakes, ND. We promise nothing more or less than eternal life, forgiveness, and mercy in the living Lord, Jesus Christ.

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